Here is how a technological democratic society operates. We will be looking into the application of equality of opportunity in four areas of capital, labor, state and technology. This is the heart of democracy, because, there cannot be any kind of real democracy without having economic democracy.A. CapitalTo democratize the ownership of capital, the principle of equality of opportunity prohibits unjust enrichment. It simply means that no person receives property without giving in return a comparable compensation. This is known as the principle of unjust enrichment. Its application establishes the property ownership and relationship in a democratic society with the following consequences:1. Inheritance. Inheritance is the highest cause of inequality of opportunity. It leads to class stratification. It is the first factor in creating an unjust society. Since anything received through inheritance is free and without comparable compensation, it amounts to an unjust enrichment. If it elevates the opportunity of the beneficiaries to the extent that it creates unequal opportunities, it cannot be allowed under the principle of equality of opportunity. The proceeds from inheritance go into the Public Consumption Fund, a public organization, to be spent in providing vital services to society such as education and health care. The result is that as the rich individuals die, their wealth, to the extent allowed by the principle of equality of opportunity, is transferred to this organization and used for public good. Gradually wealthy families, which enjoyed a very high opportunity under capitalism, disappear while their riches are used to enrich and enlighten the masses as a whole. In a span of a few decades, society ceases to have any super rich. The ruling capitalist elite dies and with it disappears its dominating economic and political powers.Fortunately, the U.S. Constitution embodies the concept of equality of opportunity. It only needs to be specified to apply to economic and social aspects of life. The process of transition will be peaceful. It requires Congress to propose a proper amendment to the U.S. Constitution clarifying the application of equality of opportunity to economic, political an social aspects of life. Since the amendment, if ratified, would prohibit inheritance, for the stage of transition, Congress should specify a figure for maximum inheritance such as $5 million. This will insure the ratification of the amendment since only 0.7percent of population has wealth in excess of this amount. The result will be equalization of the wealth within the limit of $5 million. Decades later when minimum national inheritance level will increase disparity will be negligible or may be readjusted then to guarantee full equality of opportunity. [1]2. Profits. As presented before, as globalization progresses, free trade market economy causes the kind of keen competition that continually cuts down the profit margin leading to its virtual elimination.[2] The profit motive remains still there but rarely materialized. At this stage, estimated to materialize in four to five decades, the society’s levers of power- the multinational corporations, the military and their politician and bureaucrat supporters and collaborators- are eliminated from power status. By the coordinated efforts of local groups all over the country, equality of opportunity prevails, the economy and social structure are reconstructed for efficiency and justice. The production in a cooperative way focuses primarily on people’s primary needs. Every able person participates whether in neighborhoods, communities or work places. People work for a few hours a day having ample time free for leisure, art, music and other creative work and enjoyment.3. Labor. Regarding labor and workforce, there is a very basic distinction between capitalism and technological democracy. Under capitalism, the capitalist controls land, capital and technology, and employs labor from the market. Under technodemocratic economy, the workers own and control the capital and all other means of production. The principle of equality of opportunity controls the process of ownership of capital and prescribes its democratization. It materializes the total private ownership of the means of production and distribution to the extent never achieved before. It prescribes that the ownership of capital be gradually and systematically transferred from the capitalist to the workers. For clarification, it must be noted that the term worker in this concept embodies any person working for the capitalist from top management and professionals down to the unskilled workers. Under this concept, while each worker receives a regular wage, he is also given a certain specified amount of shares of the firm where he works. Thus from the time he receives his first pay, he starts to become a part owner of the firm. As the years pass, the worker continues to accumulate capital and increase his share of ownership. As the big capitalists die, their share of stocks revert to the Public Consumption Fund and from there is placed in the stock market for sale. These shares are purchased by different institutions, public institutions in particular, and gradually transferred to the workers including public employees along with their monthly pay. Some is also purchased by individual. [3]After four or five decades, the capitalist class as we know today, disappears and the ownership as well as control of capital and production firms become wholly transferred to a new capitalist class the same as the working class. From there on as the retired workers die, their share of stocks go to the Public Consumption Fund and placed in stock market and finally purchased by different institutions and gradually transferred to the new generation of workers along with their pay. For the shares that each worker owns, he receives dividend which continues to increase as he continues to accumulate more and more stocks. Each worker is entitled to full benefit of ownership of his stocks except that they are not transferable to others but can be exchanged with other non-transferable stocks of other institutions on the stock market for the purpose of diversification of their ownership. This non-transferability of the stocks is prescribed by the principle of equality of opportunity and, as it will be presented later on, income from these stocks takes the place of social security and old age benefits for the owner during the retirement period since under technological democracy there are no public welfare programs such as social security, medicare or food-stamps or else. Health care and education are the only programs available free for all, funded by the Public Consumption Fund and not the government.4. Position Classification. Position classification is a technology developed for organizing, classification and equalization of similar positions. It describes the responsibilities of each position and corresponding financial compensation range. Under this technology, positions are classified vertically as well as horizontally. This system is applied nationally and universally to all available positions. Horizontal positions are those requiring similar levels of skills to carry out job requirements. However, these positions may not be similar in the kind of functions and skills they require. For example, medical doctors, lawyers, and top administrators all require a high level of professional skill, while functionally they are quite different from one another. They may be placed horizontally in one category and entitled to the same range of compensation. The same applies to clerical or other class of worker. Vertical positions are classified from the lowest to the highest.Technology of position classification was created primarily for the purpose of increasing and controlling productivity as well as providing equitable pay systems, similar pays for similar jobs. This technology is not new; it has been used in every industrialized society by its public sector and by all major, medium size and some small private institutions. However, each institution has its own independent position classification and corresponding pay system. The national government, each state government, major city governments and giant corporations each has a position classification of its own. There is no uniformity among these systems and there are injustices. Furthermore, a great variety of small businesses do not have a classification system yet these are the institutions employing the majority of the working class people who are not subject to any standard of pay and are generally exploited. Under technological democracy all these systems are brought under one umbrella with the same standards of positions and corresponding pay system. However, such a monumental classification is not done in detail by a central office. This would be an impossible task. The national government through the Position Classification and Pay Commission, a branch of the National Economic Council, establishes a general classification of positions, a system somehow similar to the present national classification. Then it requires each institution , private or public, large or small, to establish its own position classification and pay system within the framework established by the national classification and pay system. A copy of this classification by each firm is entered in Technodem website available to everyone including every employee in the institution. The Technodem will check this classification against the national system and will inform the institution about discrepancies for correction, if any. This classification is put into operation by the corresponding institution until it is objected by the Technodem or the regional classification council.[4]The systems are reviewed each year by each institution as new technologies develop, certain positions are abandoned, new positions are created or functions of some positions are modified or changed. Position classification under one national model system has several benefits.1. It harmonizes and standardizes all available positions, private or public.2. It equalizes the pay system, similar pay for similar jobs, regardless of race, color, sex or whether a worker is a union member,3. It eliminates the union bargaining and thus eliminate unionization for economic purposes.4. It simplifies position and pay classification at the institutional level following a standardized and updated national model.5. It democratizes the work system by providing equality of opportunity in similar positions with similar pay.6. It allows regional agencies, through Technodem technology, to supervise the proper and uniform application of national standards.7. It allows discretion in each institution to proceed with its own position and pay classification.8. It gives each employee an opportunity to evaluate his position requirement and pay level in comparison with the national standards and, in the case of discrepancy, petition first his institution and then file his petition with the Technodem which will examine the complaint instantaneously and respond to it. If the institution did not resolve the issue according to the Technodem advice, he then can petition the regional classification council which will usually go along with the Technodem finding. By this way position classification in each institution is scrutinized by its employees and brought to the level prescribed by the national standards.5. Shared Opportunity and Full Employment. This is a very important principle of democratic employment opportunity. The application of the principle of equality of opportunity requires that those having a higher level of employment opportunity share it with those lacking such opportunity at the same position level. This refers in particular to unemployed workers seeking employment. Of course, at every skill level, those employed have a higher opportunity than those unemployed. The principle of shared opportunity is employed to equalize the situation. It requires that those who have employment, in order to provide for equality of opportunity, forgo a small part of their employment opportunity by giving up a small part of their work, say one hour per week, and thus provide employment opportunity for their unemployed fellows.For example, if there is a 100 million work force and each worker gives up one hour of his weekly work, nationwide 100 million work-hours amounting to 2.5 million full time positions will become available to those unemployed or new comers. [5] It needs to be noticed that unemployment in technological democracy has a different character. Everyone starts working part-time when he reaches 15 years of age and completes his professional or technical education while working. So work under technological democracy has a transitory character and is an individual right. Sharing opportunities provides for continuous employment, causing stability in the market and thus eliminates a major cause of recession by providing job security for working years. The inflationary process will also be prevented since there will be no monopoly firms, no price increase to maximize profits. Giant corporations will automatically divided into many smaller firms, and competition in the market will be tense, more realistic and free. This decentralization and dispersal will take place because once workers receive controlling shares of a giant firm they will tend to eliminate the superstructure of the corporate bureaucracy which did not produce anything and had also lost its unproductive use. Then, workers’ desire to have voice in the production process will tend toward dismantling the giant corporation into smaller entities in which the policy-makers will be directly attached to the operation of production and each worker can feel his voice and power over his institution. The same will happen to the branches or affiliated firms abroad. They would want to be independent especially when the superstructure in domestic country becomes abolished. Thus the era of giant multinational corporations will become history as a stage of transition from monopolistic international capitalism to competitive technodemocratic economy. The old motto that “small is beautiful, controllable, more democratic,” will become materialized.6. Old Age Benefits: Unlike the welfare programs instituted under the existing capitalistic and socialistic systems, there will be no retirement or general welfare programs under the technological democracy. First, each individual will start part time work at the age of fifteen. His income from the work will be sufficient to pay for his living expenditures, since he will have no education expenses because it will be free for everyone at all levels. By the age 21 he will finish his college education (exceeding in value over an M.A. degree at the present) and will be employed full time. Each individual will be required to work for at least 30 years in order to provide a sustained and sufficient income for his old age period. It is estimated that if each worker receive the company stock equal to 25% of his pay, after 30 years, when he retires at the age 52, he will accumulate enough capital from the stocks and their accumulated returns to receive an income of around $30,000 to live modestly but comfortably considering that health care and education will be free and individual taxes will be very small. Most of taxes will be collected from production firms. However, while the individual retires from the official workforce, he does not retire personally. Being only 52 years old he has many years of active life to contribute and be productive in social, political and economic fields. These could be either voluntary or income producing. This retirement after 30 years of service is mandatory in order to maintain equality of opportunity in workplace, and in no way deprives individuals from pursuing productive activities of their liking. It has also several important benefits: first, it provides vacancies to new workers entering the market, second, provides the retired workers with many years enjoyable and intellectually productive life; third, provides for participation in the political process where required qualifications for election is high and the service is temporary. At retirement, each individual would possess knowledge in humanities and social sciences far above the present Ph.D. level as a result of over thirty years of continuous graduate education, making him highly qualified to hold public or elective offices. Beside this, every person has also over Ph.D. level knowledge in his technical or professional field.[6]Thus this required retirement is technical rather than real. The individual who is highly educated and experienced at this stage of life, may get engaged in many different kinds of work such as art, music, creative writing, counseling, political or economic activities individually or in partnership with other retired persons. Since top policy making positions in regional and national government are temporary with four to six year terms, it will be an excellent opportunity for the post-retirement life. Under technological democracy the individual worker is made responsible to hold and take care of his own retirement stocks. That is why the stocks he receives monthly from his firm are non-transferable, while he can exercise all other benefits of ownership including annual returns from them during his lifetime. Particularly, that working people would be hesitant to run for political offices since this would interrupt their working process and financially have negative effect on their future promotions as well as their retirement benefits.
.References:1.Reza Rezazadeh, Technological Democracy: A Humanistic philosophy of the Future Society, 1990, pp. 192-1942. —————-, “Globalization and the End of Capitalism,” also in http://www.ezinearticles.com3.—————-, Technological Democracy, opp. cited, pp.194-1984.—————-, Technodemocratic Economic Theory: From Capitalism and Socialism to Democracy, 1991, pp. 184-186. http://www.democracywhere.com5.Ibid., pp.186-188, 205, 235.6. Ibid., pp. 188-190, 219.Dr. Reza Rezazadeh1080 Eastman Street, Platteville, WI 53818Phone: (608)348-7064
Post-capitalistic Free Market Society, How Can US Be Rescued (Part V) – Economy, Work and Retirement
With Counterfeiting on the Rise, Brand Security Plays a Vital Role to Both Large and Small Brands
According to the Counterfeiting Intelligence Bureau of the International Chamber of Commerce®, counterfeiting is one of the fastest growing economic crimes of modern time. Once a cottage industry, counterfeiting has become a sophisticated network of organized crime, accounting for 5 to 7 percent of world trade, worth an estimated $600 billion a year.
Until relatively recently, the black and grey market economies did not pose a significant threat to brand owners. The black market operates illegally outside government-sanctioned channels with the buying and selling of goods and services, while commodities in the grey market are distributed legally, but through channels that are unauthorized by the original manufacturer-commonly referred to as diversion. Customers who would frequently shop in one of these two markets now have the ability to browse the Internet for the same products, posing an even deeper threat to a brand’s reputation and integrity, impacting the world’s biggest brands and smaller brands alike.
With the growth of global brands and the Internet, brand owners face threats from counterfeiters and brand pirates who are attempting to generate large profits by illegally producing credible look-a-like products to sell at deeply discounted prices. Brand owners are being forced to take a closer look at their supply chains and police the whereabouts and authenticity of their products at all times.
In the past, such luxury and high-end goods as designer clothes and accessories, spirits and perfumes, were most likely to be counterfeited. However, times have changed with technological advancements in digital imaging, cameras, scanners, artwork software, color and inkjet printers, aiding counterfeiters and brand pirates to generate a profit from any branded item-pharmaceuticals, electronics, software, cigarettes, hardware and food items like baby formula. Even automobile and aircraft parts are being counterfeited. It has been reported that the majority of counterfeited goods are coming from China, North Korea, Taiwan, India, Russia and parts of Africa.
Pharmaceutical counterfeiting has led to extreme outcomes, including consumer fatalities, which illustrates the importance of brand security. The Food and Drug Administration saw an 800 percent increase in the number of new pharmaceutical counterfeit cases between 2000 and 2006. According to The Lancet*, the world’s leading general medical journal, counterfeit pharmaceuticals will generate $75 billion in revenues in 2011, a 92-percent increase from 2005.
Taking a Defensive Stand
Diversion, pirating and counterfeiting not only have a negative impact on the revenues and profitability of legitimate companies, but they also impact the credibility and reputation of a brand. Counter measures against these practices must be taken throughout the supply chain-from the brand owner, supplier and distributor to the wholesaler, retailer and ultimately, the consumer.
It’s crucial that brand owners stay attuned to brand security in today’s market and become familiar with the array of available anti-counterfeiting solutions. Ignoring the importance of brand security is not an option, because once the damage is done, the cost to repair it can be far in excess of what it would have cost to prevent it from happening in the first place.
To ensure their customers only receive the highest quality and safest products, brand owners have a broad range of anti-counterfeiting solutions at their disposal to protect their brand positioning and brand promise.
It’s recommended that brand owners ask themselves the following questions before implementing a brand protection strategy:
1. What level of security-low, medium or high-do we want to build into our packaging design?
2. Do we want to check for counterfeiting at the shelf or at the warehouse? Do we want our customers to be able to check for counterfeiting at the point-of-purchase by using a visible authentication feature?
3. How much do we want to invest in brand security?
4. How are we going to ensure consistency of our brand security on a global level?
Pressure-sensitive technology is versatile. It enables intricate designs and complex die-cuts, creating labels that jump from the shelf. But even more so, the array of materials, when combined with special printing techniques, can become a metaphor for the product itself.
Layered Protection
With threats to brand security rapidly growing, the need to differentiate fake products from genuine ones is increasing, as well as the need for more advanced authentication technologies that thwart counterfeiters. However, it’s important that brand owners understand that even the most sophisticated anti-counterfeiting solutions on their own cannot prevent counterfeiting 100 percent, but can signal an alert when a threat exists and thereby encourage action to be taken.
In recent years, anti-counterfeiting measures have become increasingly complex and bolstered by the installment of different layers of security. Many of today’s technologies are used in conjunction with other security features that work in concert to heighten the overall level of protection. For example, a low-level of anti-counterfeit technology that is visible to the consumer is combined with a high-level security feature containing a covert or forensic technology. The more layers of security a brand owner applies, the more difficult it becomes for their brand to fall victim to counterfeiting, pirating or diversion.
The most common anti-counterfeiting technologies employed by brand owners include:
1. Overt technology: This level of protection is visible to the naked eye, and allows the brand to be authenticated without the need of a special inspection tool. Overt technology offers only basic protection against counterfeiting, whereby:
a. Devices can include, but are not limited to:
i. Customized security papers-watermarks, paper color or visible fibers embedded in the paper.
ii. Security threads-threads are embedded in the paper and are made of a film, making a label hard to copy.
iii. Two- or three-dimensional holograms-standard holograms are used mainly for decorative purposes, but customized holograms can be powerful tools in security applications.
iv. Tamper-evident films, paper and voids-destructible/frangible films, papers and void materials show destruction upon tampering. Void labels leave a customized “VOID” alpha numeric or geometrical-shape message on the substrate when the label is removed.
2. Covert technology: The security device is not visible to the naked eye, but can be detected by a low-cost inspection tool, such as an UV light, magnifying glass or plastic film overlay. The type of tool depends on the specific protection technology used. Covert technology is an advanced level of protection with hard-to-copy security features and some level of personalization:
a. Devices can include, but are not limited to:
i. Customized security papers-UV luminescent fibers embedded in the paper, chemical protection or verification with a special reactant pen.
ii. Non-visible security threads. Customized security threads can contain ultraviolet (UV) reflection and microprints.
iii. UV prints-various colors and designs can be printed in the laminate of a facestock or liner. Standard and customized UV prints are available.
iv. Infrared (IR) taggants-can be applied randomly in the paper, a self-adhesive laminate or in a custom spectrum that works as a unique signature. IR readers can be tailored to match the custom spectrum, giving off a signal when the right taggant percentages are detected. Uniquely encoded, IR taggants are virtually impossible to duplicate.
v. Inorganic taggants-can be added to inks, coatings, varnishes, adhesives, plastics, etc. Authenticity is confirmed using a special reader that gives off signals when a particular taggant is detected.
3. Forensic technology: These security devices are not visible to the naked eye, are hidden within the product and require laboratory analysis for authentication. Forensic technology is the highest level of protection from unique and personalized security features:
a. Devices can include, but are not limited to:
i. DNA taggants-microscopic or nano materials that are uniquely encoded for a brand. Provides a forensic chain of evidence that is trusted by police and recognized by courts globally. Large botanical DNA is acquired and then segmented, shuffled and reassembled to form a unique secure signature DNA marker that becomes patented technology. DNA taggants cannot be counterfeited, digitally copied, scanned or re-engineered.
To effectively deploy one of these technologies requires close collaboration between the brand owner and technology supplier.
Brand security is an investment that directly impacts the bottom-line for a consumer packaged goods company. It does this by protecting the brand from counterfeiting and diversion. And it also protects the brand owner from potential liabilities should a counterfeit product result in a consumer injury. Due diligence to protect your brand is a vital strategy that cannot be overlooked.
Basics On Branding In Business
Small and big businesses alike should be aware that developing a brand name is an important element in the formula for success, but what is branding in business?
Branding is a system utilized by advertisers to acquaint a product with customers through associating it with a brand name. Various advertising methods are used to introduce the brand name to consumers, and following this is additional advertising to continue and expand brand recognition. Studies show that branding has a beneficial impact on the success a company experiences.
A report from the Branding Forward Project shows that over 50% of marketing specialists felt that branding was somewhat less important today in light of the prevalence of social media coupled with a heightened sense that advertisers should be more accountable for their claims. All the same, these new factors do not change the fact that companies need to have unique brand names that the consumer can identify with their products and services.
Developing a brand
Branding includes selecting a brand name, creating an advertising plan, then executing that plan. A name that can be recollected simply is the best fit. Brief and sharp names work best. Interestingly, non-English names can generate the strongest brand association and connection to consumers. For instance, consider brand names Google, Expedia, and Flickr.
Your logo should be created by a graphic designer to ensure that it contains elements of good design while conveying an association to your product or service. Your marketing plans must be based around publicizing this brand name. One strategy is to draft a famous figure to represent your brand. This celebrity representative technique has worked well for many companies including significant corporations such as Reebok and Nike.
Of course not everyone has their budgets so if your company is smaller, note that you can still utilize this strategy by finding a lesser celebrity to endorse your company or product. Contact public relations firms in your area to see who they might have available and for how much.
Establishment of trust
Establishing the trust in your brand by your consumer is an important goal of branding campaigns. By launching the Macintosh line, Apple developed a reputation for quality and innovation. They followed this up over the years with the launch of the iPod, iPhone, iPad and their other electronics. By continually releasing quality products with branding strategy that reminded consumers of their innovative approach and inventiveness, Apple developed strong, emotionally connected customers. In fact, you could say that their company engenders more brand loyalty than any other computer brand.
Uniqueness factor
Another reason why developing a brand name is so important is the uniqueness factor. In a marketplace packed with so much competition, a company must find a way to make their products stand out. Beyond developing products that are durable and of superior quality, a business benefits from having a catchy slogan, design, or logo that consumers associate with a high degree of satisfaction.
The signature swoosh on Nike athletic shoes identifies it to its customers as a forward-looking, advanced brand. “Just do it” is the perfect call to action phrase, reinforcing the company’s brand and exhorting customers to make the purchase, then play their sport.
Strategy critical to your marketing plan
In the end, it is clear that branding is a basic component of a sound marketing plan. Developing a marketing plan without taking care of this critical strategy first is a huge mistake. Part of your earliest thinking about your product or service should be to develop a brand name.
Get the branding right, and you will enjoy a powerful ascent in your product or service’s market. Get it wrong and you simply will not stand out from the crowd. Generating that magnetic, sticky appeal with your customer is your goal and you may have to perform some research to determine if your planned campaign achieves that.
Why Branding Is Most Is Important In Building A Business
Branding is one of the most important part of starting a new business. Creating a unique branding for the business will enhance and support the marketing strategy. A company or business can create a huge difference in the minds of its prospects and audience by creating a powerful branding for it. Branding can be explained as the overall image of the brand including its logo, graphics, promotional materials and customer service. Powerful positioning will capture the interest and attention of wide audience and mass interest.
When creating a branding there are lot of factors that needs to be kept in mind like the company’s image and promise towards the customers. This stands for the company and its products with its promises which in turn build up trust and loyalty among its clients and public. The major part of a marketing strategy is creating an impact on the audience and creates a memorable existence in their mind for the company and its business.
A branding can be successful only if the branding is done with the target audience in mind as well as their culture and understanding of the concept. It should complement the marketing plans so that it will help return in more sales and profit. It should have a main purpose in promotional and marketing requirements. The branding is very important part of the business and a lot of care has to be put in during the initial period when creating the branding and later in maintaining its position and image in the market. Positioning the brand in the market is important and can be done only though effective branding.
When the audience watches your brand through the promotional materials like flyers, brochures, advertisements the branding gives them an idea, impression and image of your business or the company. The more the branding quality is the more trust and likely it is to be trusted as an established or powerful brand. When using branding in promotional mediums like social networking websites, company websites, leaflets and business collaterals the branding is communicated very evidently and thus establishes its position in the market.
The logo stands for the structure of your business and its nature. The customers should feel the branding through the service or product provided by the company which is why it is said that a good branding is not just graphics experience for the audience but actual service and product experience. A good branding can help a company in promoting its services or products only if it can compliment a good service from the company.
Hire a Property Manager and Save Time, Money and Frustration!
In this post, I am going to explain to you how hiring a property management can help to save the owner more than just the price of the management fee. Let’s say we have a home that rents for $1600/month. As a real estate management organization our average fee locally is 6-10%. Therefore, let’s use 8% of $1600 which is $128/month. For an example our company only charges a flat fee of $75 a month for monthly management, however I’ll show you the way a property manager can help to save above $1200/year by using a professional in the business.Five Concrete Ways in which a Property Management Company Can Save Time and Money for an Owner1. The very first way a management company can save you money is by maximizing rents. These management companies comprehend rental prices and what a tenant would most likely like to pay for a particular unit in a certain area. Property managers in addition have a footing on advertising and featuring. They know all the suitable areas to market and are available promptly to show properties to have them rented for the best conceivable price. On average a property management provider can help to save at the very least $50/month over 12 months which is already $6002. The next method that can help you save money is by means of reducing vacancies. Your average owner will take approximately sixty days to fill a vacancy with respect to the current market not surprisingly. Utilizing a property management company, they average under 1 month. All over again, with an ordinary lease of $1500, the specialist will save you over 12 months $1600 because of this one area.3. The 3 rd area a management company can save you money is by marketing. Real estate managers possess lower prices through internet sites and newspapers. They usually can save no less than $150 during marketing and advertising through 1 year as opposed to an individual owner.4. Your fourth place to save you money is usually as a result of maintenance and repairs. The majority of property management organizations get access to vendors at lower rates. Our organization helps you to save approximately 30% the normal cost for an individual owner. For a typical single family house the cost of maintenance as well as repairs over one year averages around $250-$400 depending on the residence. Some of our more recent properties never have any maintenance in the course of the year, a few of older properties can have more issues throughout the year. Along with a 30% savings this saves the owner $75 to $150 over 1 year. *Our partnership with the regional title company has allowed us to provide our owners with discounted home warranties as well for older houses with estimated approaching repairs.5. The fifth method is through selecting a very good qualified tenant through our screening process techniques. Many property management organizations have fewer than a 1% eviction rate as a result of in depth verification measures that they already have executed. The “bad apples” realize that they can’t successfully pass a management company’s screening process so they will rent through the individual owners and sell them regarding how excellent of a tenant they are going to be even though they don’t have credit history, or no leasing references, as well as no Id, or even a large amount of additional reasons they use. This on its own helps you to save the owner the price of eviction which within our region averages around $1,000, the price of loss rent of about 1 month of $1,600, plus the expense of repairs of approximately $1,500. This thorough screening practice on its own can help to save the owner $4,000!The majority of owners mainly think about the management fee that they’re losing but not concerning these 5 areas which a management company can help to conserve them money. Along with these typical estimates above, a professional management company can help to save the owner more than $6,000 in a year.
Avail Digital Marketing Services To Transform Your Business
A strong marketing strategy is not a choice, but it has become a necessity for every business be it a startup, medium-sized company or large organization. Every business is struggling to keep up with promptly evolving customer behavior. A personalized marketing strategy can help a business to know what customers wish for.When implemented in a right manner, a marketing strategy can show noticeable results in the context of ROI, traffic and online visibility. However, achieving desired results is not so easy. In order to get the most out of it, the marketers should go on board on a range of digital marketing services to transform the way they promote their businesses.A successful digital marketing campaign includes professional strategies, structures, and top-notch technologies, along with professional experience. The experts utilize cutting-edge digital marketing techniques to drive bottom-line development of a business. If you run an online business and would like to grow by leaps and bounds, it is the time to hire a digital marketing expert. If you are still confused, here are some reasons why you need an effective digital marketing strategy for your business -Get a direction Many businesses don’t have a clear motto and aim. They don’t know what they want to achieve exactly. The experts set the goals keeping in your mind your expectations and utilize the best methods to achieve them for you. The marketers start the work by outlining the business goals. Planning, execution and management, etc. all the responsibilities are carried out by the professionals.Know your market share In order to satisfy demands of the customers, it is essential that you know your market share. The experts analyze customer’s behavior, buying tendencies, competitors and many more things to let you know where you exists the market. Social media marketing is one of the advanced and useful digital marketing techniques that allow a business to know the customers. The experts increase engagement with customers by making a strong and dynamic presence of clients over social media.To be in competition Online marketing is not a one time job, it is an ongoing process. If you are not utilizing avant-garde digital services, your competitors will move ahead to you. Every day, many companies are launched over the internet with a common goal to achieve success and increase profit. Without proficient marketing plans, it is not possible to survive in the competition. Having a professional digital marketing partner may enable you to lead the battle. Don’t give up if a marketing plan is not offering quick results, be patience and wait for productive results.To build loyalty online Gaining confidence of your clients is not an easy thing to do, it requires constant efforts. By utilizing right kinds of marketing services, you can build and maintain trust and loyalty among clients about your brand. The marketers know how to make the clients remember you with online reputation management and branding. Blogging, content marketing and social media activities, etc. can help you to build loyalty among target audiences.Know your customers A successful marketer always understands the mind-set, needs and expectations of the clients. If you don’t how what your clients very well, it is time to invest in an effective marketing campaign. The experts evaluate the clients, identify weakness and address them to nurture your business.Go beyond the boundariesWith traditional marketing techniques, you can grow, but can’t reach the edge. Digital marketing services allow you to go beyond all the boundaries. By investing in SEO, social media marketing and PPC, etc. you can enlarge your reach to your potential customers.Encourage customer engagement Professional digital marketers understand the worth of customer engagement for the growth and popularity of your business and they encourage it using various tactics. They segment the customers according to your interest and allow you to interact with them.In order to accomplish your goal, opt for a right digital marketing company that can carry out the jobs in an efficient manner keeping in mind your business nature, target audiences and specific objectives. Choose a reliable company that is engaged in offering top-notch digital marketing services according to the latest trends.
Internet of Things Market
IoT Market is having an inevitable impact on consumers and businesses alike consequently changing the appearance of the global economy in the upcoming future. Accordingly, 30 Billion devices are to be connected to the internet by 2020. An efficient IoT market to manage such high device volumes, diversity and geographies is the need of the time. Today, nearly 96% of global businesses consider IoT important to better monitor and control physical assets.Innovation and disruption prospects, Cross-industrial applications, growing customer expectations and enhanced efficiency are the major driving forces fuelling the global IoT market globally. However, privacy and security Issues, Inadequate financial resources, interoperability issues, Standardization issues and Government Policies are the few hindrances in the way of this flourishing technology.Report segments IoT Market by Technology, Application and Regions, providing the comprehensive analysis of ecosystem of the industry, which will be useful to make the informed strategic decision to the stakeholders in the industryAmong Technology segments, Hardware is expected to grow at the highest CAGR
Hardware domain will be the largest technology category currently. Nearly $250 billion investment towards modules and sensors along with some spending on infrastructure and security have propelled the growth in this sector. In terms of growth, the hardware segment will be followed by services, software and connectivity, in the same order.Healthcare sector is the leading end-user industry segment during the forecast period
Amongst the industries, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Transportation, and Utilities are the torch-bearers in spending most on IoT solutions. IoT spending among manufacturers will be intensively targeted towards solutions supporting manufacturing operations and production asset management. Freight monitoring followed by fleet management occupies nearly two-thirds share of IoT spending in Transportation.The Asia Pacific to dominate the IoT market in 2018
The Asia Pacific, a dynamic group of rapidly developing economies is expected to grow at the highest rate for IoT market with presence of major IT industries is expected to hold the largest market share in forecast years. In 2018, Asia/Pacific Region will spend more than $300 Billion followed by North America at around $200 billion. North America. Europe and the Asia Pacific (APAC) will form three key regions contributing to the global demand of IoT market. Rapid digitization along with technological dependency and further advancements have acted as key drivers for growth of IoT market in North America.About Maximize Market Research
Maximize market research, a global market research firm with dedicated team of specialists and data has carries out extensive research about the key technologies and key market trends. Research Report encompasses the comprehensive segmentation, providing the in-depth analysis of overall industry ecosystem with accurate regional analysis, useful for taking informed strategic decision by the key stakeholders in the industry. Importantly, the report delivers forecasts and share of the market, further giving an insight into the market dynamics, and future opportunities that might exist in the concerned market. The driving forces, as well as considerable restraints and probable market opportunities, have been explained in depth. In addition to this, competitive landscape describing about the strategic growth of the competitors have been taken into consideration for enhancing market know-how of our clients and at the same time explain the market positioning of competitors.Browse the market data Tables and Figures spread through a comprehensive research report and in-depth TOC on “IoT market by Technology (Hardware, Software, Services, Connectivity) by Application (Healthcare, Manufacturing, Smart Cities, Energy, Mobility, Retail, BFSI, Education, Agriculture and Others) by Geography (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, Middle East & Africa – LAMEA)”.Internet of Things Market – Global Industry Analysis and Forecast (2016-2024)Early buyers will receive 10% customization on reports.Contact:
Ms. Dharati Raut
Office No.- 228, 2nd Floor,
B-Wing, Jai Ganesh Vision, Akurdi,
Pune – 411035,
Maharashtra, India.
+91 20 6630 3320
You Need Insurance Regardless of Your Business
While it might be comforting to think that insurance is something that only the big companies need to worry about. Insurance is something that all businesses need to worry about. Indeed, the smaller you are as a business, the more vulnerable you are to a wide array of risks that can only ultimately be dealt with by adequate business insurance protection.
When you run your own business, you take on obligations and responsibilities above and beyond that of the average citizen. In fact, it can be seen as somewhat of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you probably go into business hoping to make a profit doing something you love while providing a benefit to others. On the other hand, all those others are affected by what you do — good or bad. It’s the latter that can get business owners into trouble if they don’t seriously think about serious business insurance protection.
Let’s take small business liability insurance as an example. Without this form of insurance protection, a business owner is putting themselves in unneeded and unnecessary financial risk.
Small business liability insurance is that which essentially protects a business from the threat of a lawsuit. It differs from other kids of protection many individuals might already be familiar with because it covers assets from the risk of being attacked by a claim of misconduct carried out by you or your business. If somebody decides to sue your business, not only could you be on the hook for the damages awarded, but the legal fees involved can often be staggering, even if the lawsuit is frivolous. Things like small business liability insurance, as part of a comprehensive business insurance package, are meant to deal with just such instances.
If you don’t think that your business is at risk like this, you might want to reconsider. No business is too small or irrelevant to be untouched by the risk of a lawsuit. In fact, the smaller you are, the less you’ll be able to count on your own resources to address the crisis of a legal proceeding, or the damages awarded as a result.
Perhaps for no sector of business is this reality more apparent than with small offices providing services of various sorts. While the amount of resources at your disposal is tight, the extent to which you may have an impact on the public is very considerable. And the extent to which that same public can come back and bite you can be similarly considerable, too. This goes for real estate professionals, management consultants, tax preparers, lawyers, doctors, and so on. No one is immune from the threat covered by business insurance that includes things like small business liability.
No matter how competently you think you run your business, how much emphasis you place on customer satisfaction, how well thought of you are in the business community, or the lengths to which you strive for excellence and achievement in your profession, you can be hit by a lawsuit. And, very often, you won’t even have seen it coming. Even some service provided as a sub-contractor for someone else can be seen as having done harm to someone. If that someone decides to sue, there are costs that have to be covered. Good business insurance will cover it. More specifically, good small business liability insurance will cover it.
Let’s take the management consultant industry as an example of where business insurance that includes small business liability is necessary.
The duties and responsibilities associated with the job of being a management consultant are considerable. In such a capacity, you use your expertise in the field of management to advise people professionally on a whole range of matters related to the proper running of a business. This can includes things as simple as staffing to something more sophisticated like public relations. Good management consultants provide a professional service noted for the extent to which comprehensive solutions are offered to meet challenging business environments.
This is precisely why management consultants need to be covered by good business insurance that includes small business liability insurance.
The extent to which their advice and solutions impact people can be almost limitless. In fact, if you tried to figure out who might sue you for advice you gave a client, you might never be able to do it. There will always exist people who simply perceive themselves to have been hurt by something you did. And they’ll sue you for it.
Alternatively, even the best management consultants make mistakes. Sometimes they could have legal ramifications. Other times, they could have professional ramifications. Indeed, things like errors and omissions insurance or professional liability insurance exist because professionals make mistakes. Not only do they make mistakes, but they make mistakes that violate the professional principles involved in their industry. It happens. It’s why even management consultants need good business insurance and liability protection.
Of course, whether you’re a management consultant, real estate agent, tax lawyer, or healthcare specialist, the specifics might be different, but the insurance risks are much the same. As small business owners with offices that need to be protected from the threat of financial loss, business insurance and small business liability insurance is simply a smart solution to that end. They literally help protect the small guy and gal from the swamp out there that could digest everything they’ve worked for. And that swamp could include the unwanted lawsuit.
Best computer science papers online
Computer science papers are part of the diverse types of assignments that students will encounter in their academic endeavor. Student undertaking engineering and computer science course will write computer science papers before they complete their course. It is important that student familiarize themselves with the right skills needed to complete such papers. The first vital skill in writing any academic paper is practice. Student should practice how to write different computer science papers. Some of the academic papers that students may encounter include computer essays, term papers, research papers, thesis and dissertation. It is vital for the student to practice the writing process depending on his academic level. Unfortunately, not all students have the ideal skills to complete an academic paper. Some students may have the right ideas regarding the completion of the paper, but they lack the skills to out the ideas into a sensible computer science paper. Such students risk failure if they persist to present poorly written papers.
Computer science papers services gives students a chance to complete their assignment in a way that guarantees excellent scores. The affordability of the computer science writings that we write makes us an ideal choice for students. We have affordable rates that suit students of varied financial statuses. The low pricing of the service is attributed to the desire of the company to serve all students. We have retained a standard fee throughout the years. We rarely hike the prices of computer science papers. The quality of the computer science papers also makes the company the ideal choice for many students. We have excellent writers who are dedicated to serving all students. The writers are well trained and certified. This means that we engage the service of professionals in the completion of the writing. We also operate 24/7 ensuring that the company does not experience any backlog in terms of completion of computer science papers.
The 24/7 operations also ensure that we are capable of handling urgent papers. Sometimes a client may place computer science papers that are very urgent. In such scenarios, we ensure that the client finds a reliable service provider who will ensure that the urgent computer science papers are completed. The company remains open throughout the year regardless of the holiday in question. The timely delivery of completed computer science papers makes the company an ideal choice for many students. We are known to deliver completed papers on time. This is attributed to many factors. We, for instance, have a dedicated team of writers who work tirelessly to ensure there is no backlog of computer science papers. We also have a first-come-first served strategy in which writers work on computer science papers that student sent first. The earlier the client sends a writing request, the sooner he shall receive a completed paper.
Originality is also emphasized with all computer science papers written from scratch. We also ensure that we scan all completed paper through a plagiarism checker to determine authenticity.
Clients who require a plagiarism report can request for one from the customer service. The
customer care service is also available 24/7 to assist all students with their enquiries. Scanning of completed papers is guaranteeing that students receive papers with 0% level of plagiarism.
We also offer editing service at a reasonably low price. Try the computer science papers services today.
Cheap Computer Science Papers
Today the inevitable wind of change in technology has taken over since computers and progress are attached to each other. With the dawn of information and technology, which has produced computerization, computer science has taken adequate significance. As a subject of truth, a preponderance of people around the globe is receiving computer science education.
Scholars who are offering computer science courses are required to prepare or write computer science papers as the assignments assigned to them by their professors of instructors. In every University offering computer science courses, students are required to undertake coursework assignments after every one or two weeks. These assignments are mostly in the form of short computer projects that require detail writings. Furthermore, the assignments are of diversified categories such as computer science term papers, computer science essay, computer science dissertation essay, and computer science research paper among others. Developing computer science papers is not an easy task since it requires abundant time to complete writing the papers.
Preponderance part of students agonize with computer science papers since they always have limited time to complete their assignments, yet their supervisors demand completed assignments in the shortest time possible. Many students combine their courses with other small courses making their academic workload bulky and difficult in handling. As a result of multitasking, under limited time and external support many students end up performing poorly in their computer science papers assignments. Since computer science is an expansive field, which handles topics such as programming, and artificial intelligence a lot of effort is needed in terms of knowledge gathering. Nevertheless, due to the bulky syllabus students take in computer science papers it becomes practically impossible for them to handle their papers well.
The only savior for those kinds of students is to ask for assistance from computer science papers writing companies such as Computer science papers writing agency. Computer papers writing agency is a full-grown entrepreneurship entity aimed at helping students in writing computer science papers and all other academic papers. This agency has a long lasting legacy in preparing fully complete computer science papers credentials for students in all academic levels.
This legacy has been sustained by its persistence in writing quality and original computer science papers for more than three decades now. In addition, this company has endeavored to secure is clients who have witnessed its professionalism in preparing computer science papers.
On the different note, computer science papers agency has a team of writers who ensure thorough preparations of all academic document prepared by this company. As if not enough, these writers are also professional team of graduates from recognized Universities such as Harvard, Cambridge and Stanford. Additionally, these writers have postgraduate and undergraduate certified degrees for various courses offered in the universities. There should not be any reason for any student to dread requesting for their support since they are also alumni from different Universities. These writers have intensive knowledge on working out all academic papers since their many years of experience guarantees their efficiency in preparing all papers.
This agency has zero% tolerance policy on plagiarism cases since it has current software used in scanning all academic papers to ensure originality. On professionalism, the company ensures that all documents have grammar and spelling corrections of 95% and above scores. The company also provides a variety of styles of writing such as Harvard, Oxford MLA, APA and Chicago among others. Come one come all and witness a great deal of cheap computer science documents.